Sunday, May 12, 2013

I'll Love You Forever, I'll Like You For Always, As Long As I'm Living My Mommy You'll Be

dré and din are here today to wish a happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there, but especially to our moms, who brought us into the world and love us unconditionally.

We each have something special to share. Heirlooms that have been passed down to us from the first woman whose style we coveted.


When I was young, my mom gave me this wooden box. She had it when she was little and it was called her "business box". It was a place for her to keep all her special and secret things that were for no one else to see but her. She said she wanted to give it to me so I could have a special place for my secret things.

20 years later, I still have this precious box, and it still has my special things in it. I also found this necklace she gave me tucked away inside. I completely forgot about it but I love it! Such a fun accessory! Is it any wonder that I have such good taste with a mom like mine?


I've always looked up to my mom. Even today. She's the essence of elegance, and embodied it everyday. 

My mother, Amal, was always polished. When she stepped out of the house, she had her Raisinberry lipstick and left a scented trail of L'Air du Temps that made my heart melt. Even if it was a brief trip, at the very least she wore mascara. I guess that's where I get it from!

14 years ago my mom gifted me with several beautiful pieces. Every single piece fits me with perfection. Below are two that I wear every single day. The gold bracelet has my mother's name engraved on it. They're perfect and I love them!

Xo | drédin

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