Monday, June 8, 2015

Mani Monday | Baila Baila

Tis the season for high school graduations and what better way to celebrate than with confetti! Sinful Colors' Street Fusion: Latin Heat collection has three glitter, or Piñata Blast, colors including the one I'm wearing pictured above. For this look, I wore the confetti color on its own. Next time, I will put it over a solid color to add a little depth and contrast.

Although my high school graduation was over 10 years ago, I coordinated one today and marveled at the accomplishment of the students. In a way, I guess that's how my family felt during my own ceremony. Throughout life, we devote ourselves towards achieving certain milestones and once we do, we look to strive towards the next. Today, whether you've just graduated from high school, university, or reached any other major milestone, I encourage you to bask in the result of your hard work and resilience. Take more than a moment to both "practice being grateful," as stated by today's HS principal, toss up some confetti and dance!

Congratulations Class of 2015!

xo | din

basecoat | OPI's Glitter Off

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